Monday, 14 March 2016

#Let Kids Be Kids!

Write the answers into your homework book.  Place the questions and answers onto your blog with the link .

1. What is your favourite sport and why do you enjoy playing it?
2. What is your greatest memory about playing sport?
3. What attributes does it take to be a great sportsman/sportswoman?
4. What could you do if you were faced with someone not displaying good sportsmanship?
5. Comment on your opinion about the following: Ability is something you are born with or Ability can be developed by hard work. Ensure you support your opinion with detail/evidence.


  1. ability can be a bit of both you at least have to have the ability to either learn to play the sport or be able to play

    1. I can see you point in this answer. Can you give an example of an athlete to support your answer?

    2. I can see you point in this answer. Can you give an example of an athlete to support your answer?

  2. ability you can be born with to be a natural at a sports or you can practice lots and you might get the ability to play really well.

    1. So am I reading this right- you are saying that ability if it is amazing then that's natural?

    2. So am I reading this right- you are saying that ability if it is amazing then that's natural?

  3. competence in an activity or occupation because of one's skill, training, or other qualification

    1. Can you support you answer? Are you saying that ability is worked for?

    2. Can you support you answer? Are you saying that ability is worked for?

  4. Ability is something you develop after you born

  5. Ability is something that you have developed over time.

  6. Ability is something that you earn over time and developed when your born.

  7. Ability needs hard work and dedication to be achieved.

  8. Ability needs hard work and dedication to be achieved.

  9. Ability is something your mind is set to that will change of time but at that time your mind wants to tackle and learn all about it.

  10. Most times people are born with their sporting ability but they still need to work hard, other wise their talent is wasted. But that doesn't mean you have to be good at something to love doing it

  11. all babys are not born with ne caps so when they grow or devolop thats when they lear to walk.l

  12. I don't think we are born with abilities I think we have to learn. We have to learn how to eat, walk, talk and so many other things.

  13. i don't think you are born with sport abilities you have to learn and dedicate yourself to be able to play a sport

  14. Some people are born with the skill to learn things quickly but they still have to work hard, other people have to work slightly harder if they want to be good at something.
    Practice makes perfect.
