Welcome back to Term 2. Hope everyone has had a relaxing break and reading to start thinking and learning.
In a few weeks you are going to be expected to deliver a speech. This week for your homework complete the following tasks onto your own blog.
1. Think about what makes a good speech. Can you identify six key things to include and consider that will help you write and deliver an effective speech. (If you can think of more than 6 things, go for it)! List these as bullet points on YOUR OWN BLOG.
2. Find an example of a good speech online. Make sure the speech you choose is delivered by someone approximately your age on a topic that is appropriate for school. Copy and paste the link into your own blog and answer the following questions:
What is the main message of the speech you have chosen?
Identify 3 key ideas that the author has used to support their position?
What are 3 things that you like about this speech?
What is something that that you think could be improved on?
3. Find a class members blog and watch the speech that they selected and comment what you liked about the speech under their post.
3. Find a class members blog and watch the speech that they selected and comment what you liked about the speech under their post.
can i write about tornado on my blog